The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online interior design classes and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring designers. Enjoy!

A lack of consistent organization can completely negate any previous effort channeled towards developing an appealing interior aesthetic. Keeping this in mind, it’s not only important to design a space with reasonable ‘clean sustainability,’ but to communicate with your clients regarding practical upkeep. From what we’ve noticed, the following 3 routines can serve as a great starting place for maintaining a steadily clean living space:
1. Stash supplies- Cleaning supplies, trash bags, zip lock bags- these aren’t décor items and shouldn’t be left out on display as such. By developing an appealing organizational system within cabinets and drawers, you’ll further encourage clients to take advantage of hidden storage, thus leaving visible spaces looking organized and clean.
2. Play smarter- If the person you’re designing for has children, an abundance of games and toys can easily (and rapidly) take over an otherwise beautifully designed area. To avoid this, remind the client that play rooms are meant to function as such- rooms, not storage spaces. Barbies and board games need to be stored effectively in closets or basements, leaving playrooms available, spacious, an accommodating for fun.
3. Elevate- When it comes to basements, sheds, garages, attics etc., the entire reason for their practicality is the fact that we can toss random arbitrary belongings there. So although in many other places, the solution to clutter-clearing involves elimination- we hesitate to say the same for these uniquely efficient spaces. Instead, make it your mission to raise storage off the floor. Similar to the above issues discussed regarding playrooms, places like basements often solely become unorganized because belongings are placed and stacked haphazardly all over the floor. Instead- make an effort to install things like shelves and storage hooks. The more capable you are of maintain open, walkable floor space, the more functional and organized these areas will seem.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design’s interior design course can help you reach your goals. equest your free course catalog today!