The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online interior design classes and because we do, we like to provide free tips for aspiring designers. Enjoy!

When you’re designing any interior space, it’s important to effectively work around the area’s existing features. Getting started, here are some general rules to follow when it comes to designing by windows, heating or cooling units:
- 12 inches is typically a safe amount of space to leave clear and uncluttered in front of a window. For practicality and convenience of the client, this room must remain available for them to open, close or wash it.
- It’s typically safer to avoid placing furniture directly beneath a window. Although we see it somewhat frequently in certain designers’ work, we normally advice against it for reasons of safety and homeowner efficiency.
- In many homes, existing obstructions are already located nearby windows- HVACs, radiators, etc. If this is the case, try to leave an additional 12 inches in front of said device as well. Placing furniture or décor too close to heating or cooling units can not only obstruct the flow of air, it can be dangerous.
- If your clients have baseboard heating in their home (those long, low units that run along the length of the floor), you can virtually ignore them. It’s fine to place any sort of furniture directly in front of them. If anything, just try not to hang anything closely over top of them.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design’s interior design course can help you reach your goals. Request your free course catalog today!