The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online wedding planner courses and because we do, we like to provide free tips for wedding planners. Enjoy!

If you’re helping a couple plan a wintertime wedding, it’s important for you to consider the ways in which the season may throw off the typical wedding day routine you might be used to. Getting started, here are some things to consider when you’re working to coordinate the perfect cold-weather wedding day:
Dress Appropriately- There are several things you should keep in mind when it comes to planning appropriate attire for a wintertime wedding. A long sleeved wedding dress would be ideal, but if that isn’t something your bride is interested in wearing, consider investing in a stole or cardigan that she can throw on while traveling from place to place. For men, try suggesting anything lined with velvet- not only does it look seasonally stylish, it’s a thick material that will help keep them warm throughout the day as well.
Bring Helpful Beauty Products- dry skin and chapped lips are often an issue during the winter, and ones you’ll especially want to avoid on a day in which the pair wants to look and feel their best. Throw a bottle of lotion and some chapstick in your emergency kit to avoid any issues.
Plan For Slower Travel- If you’re unsure of what the weather will be like on the big day, you should always be prepared for the worst. You don’t want to leave insufficient time to travel from the ceremony’s location to the reception, only to be slowed down by snow along the way.
Be Smart with Your Venues- considering the above issue, if you’re planning a wintertime wedding in a location that is often affected by snow, it might make more sense to hold the ceremony and the reception in the same location if this is something the couple is willing to entertain. If not, try to pick a pair of places that are close in proximity to one another in order to minimize the potential for travel issues in between.
Want to learn more? The New York Institute of Art and Design offers online wedding planning courses that can teach you how to plan and execute the perfect wedding. Request your free course catalog today!